When Should a Grandparent Use a Family Lawyer's Services for Help With Their Grandchild?

As a grandparent, your grandchild might mean everything to you. Unfortunately, you might have found yourself in a situation relating to your grandchild in which you might need legal guidance and representation. These are some of the situations in which grandparents like you can sometimes benefit from using a family lawyer's services. Fighting for Visitation You might be estranged from your adult child, and because of it, you might not have the opportunity to see your grandchild as much as you would like to (or at all). [Read More]

Two Steps to Take if You Want to Avoid Stress When Initiating a Divorce

Whilst initiating a divorce is never going to be easy, here are some steps to take if you'd like to avoid becoming too stressed when doing this. Hire someone to serve divorce papers If your ex lives locally, then you could technically serve them the divorce papers yourself. However, if you want to maintain reasonably low stress levels whilst initiating the divorce, then you should hire someone to serve them instead. [Read More]

Divorce Requirements in Australia

Most divorcing couples do not understand divorce law. As such, they often get disappointed when the divorce process does not go as they envisioned. Read this excerpt to learn about the conditions you must meet when divorcing your spouse in Australia.  The legality of Your Marriage Your marriage must be legal under Australian law. Polygamy, bigamy, or marriages between close family are considered illegal in Australia. Your marriage must be solemnised by a registered celebrant. [Read More]

Deciding Whether Hiring A Personal Injury Solicitor for Your Lawsuit Is Your First Priority

If you're involved in an accident for the first time, you may not think of hiring a lawyer right away. For most people, shock, fright and panic set in, and in this state, it's challenging to make the right decisions. And you should know that the decisions you make right after the accident can be the determinant of the outcome of your compensation claim.  One of the crucial decisions that you should make is hiring a solicitor right away. [Read More]