Why You Should Consider Incorporation before Listing a Business for Sale

In the world of commerce, there is always an opportunity, and if you're in charge of a successful small business, then you may want to seek a new owner as a part of your plans. However, before you put the business up for sale, you may find it advantageous to change its structure so that a prospective owner can analyse the accounts more efficiently to make the transaction much easier. What do you need to think about before you restructure? [Read More]

Is It Time for Distraint in Place of Unpaid Rent?

When a tenant of commercial premises does not comply with the terms of a lease agreement and withholds rent, the landlord or owner has a number of options. In the first case, they should do their best to persuade the tenant to pay the outstanding dues and be very clear in their form of communication. Sometimes, however, this approach may not work, and further action may be necessary. If you're in this position, what do you need to know about a process known as 'distraint'? [Read More]

Divorce: Could Your Ex Be Hiding Any Assets from You?

A comprehensive financial disclosure pertaining to all assets form a key component of divorce. These assets can be both physical (your shared home, its contents, your vehicles, etc.) and financial (bank accounts, superannuation, investments, trusts, etc.). An open and honest disclosure is necessary for an appropriate division of the assets, and this arguably becomes more pertinent in aspects of family law where there are children involved, as in the value of any maintenance paid to you can be determined by your former spouse's income and assets. [Read More]

Should You Create a Binding Financial Agreement Before Living Together?

When two parties decide to live together for the foreseeable future, they should go into this type of situation with their eyes wide open. Both of them need to understand the legal and financial ramifications and, in an ideal world, they should make a formal agreement that will be valid in the event of any issue. This is particularly important when one or both of the individuals may have sizeable assets in their own name at the outset, and in this case, they should think about forming a binding financial agreement. [Read More]